Tempo in Improving Workout Quality

Tempo is the spread of your reps. It is expressed and recorded by a four digit numbers representing the seconds required to complete a rep, i.e 50X0 = five, zero, explosive, zero.

Using the bench press, the first digit is the speed in which the weight is lowered (negative). The second digit is the amount of time one pauses once they've reached their chest. The third digit is the amount of time one takes to raise the weight (positive). The forth digit, if used, is the amount of time one takes before lowering the weight again. If an "X" is used, it means explosive, or as fast as possible.

  • it emphasizes on lifting weight under control
  • "time under pressure" or TUT, refers to the amount of time a muscle is under tension. For muscle mass development, a set should last between 20 to 60 secs
  • slow speeds make the muscles work harder by eliminating momentum and bouncing
  • tempo will also force you to pay close attention to form
  • but just like you need to vary your reps, varying your speeds will also elicit a greater effect. As stated earlier, muscles require a variety of stimuli in order to adapt. Tempo is an excellent way to push yourself over your plateau to the next level

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