FATS - Some are Bad, Some are Better

Talking about fats, people easily associate them with something bad to our body. But in fact, fats, at a sensible amount are important to us, especially during infancy and childhood growth; for brain development. Also, they provide us energy & support continuous growth. Fats building blocks are called fatty acids.

Generally, fats can be broken down into 4 major types:
  • Saturated Fats – increases LDL (Source: animal meats, dairy products)
  • Polyunsaturated Fats – reduces total fat, thus reduces HDL as well, indirectly (Source: corn, soybean)
  • Monounsaturated Fats – reduces LDL (Source: vegetables, nuts oil)
  • Trans Fats – increases LDL and reduces HDL

***Note: There are no fats which help to increase HDL. The one and only way is through regular exercise


Eugene said...

Apa transfat tu? increase n reduce LDL

Adrian Yong [文来] said...

oh, typo.. thanks for correction. hehe..

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