An Espresso a Day, Keep the Doctors at Bay!

Coffee is drunk all over the world, everyday, by both the young and old, but like many other things we enjoy in our everyday life, sometimes we question ourselves whether it is good for us. Based on the thousands of studies done in coffee, it is getting clearer and clearer, in which drinking at a moderate amount of up to 2 – 3 cups a day, is not harmful, and yet, may even bring us health benefits! Here are some of them:

  • It is a significant source of antioxidants, protecting us against cancer and heart diseaseScranton University, U.S
  • Keep away gallstones and cirrhosis (a type of liver disease) of the liverHarvard researchers
  • Drinking 2 – 3 cups of coffee did not pose any increase in heart disease risk and has lower risk of dying of heart disease than those who never take a sipHarvard & Brooklyn College researchers
  • Caffeine makes arteries constrict, raising blood pressure. However, if you do not have a history of hypertension, the temporary increase in blood pressure is not a problem. Also, the impact on blood pressure tends to be significantly lower in regular caffeine drinkers because their bodies become tolerant to the effects – Dr. Matthew Sorrentino

  • Caffeine intake alongside with other factors such as regular exercise, was associated with a reducing risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)study undertaken nationwide in Canada [1991]
  • Coffee may let us harder to fall asleep as it has the immediate effects of keeping us alert, but studies show that the dream phase of sleep remains undisturbed
  • Caffeine is often added into pain medications because it improves their absorption and increases the painkilling effects. It can help to relieve migraine or even end it if consumed in the very early stage of a headache; like alcohol, substances which dilate blood vessels can cause vascular headache, whereas substances that constrict blood vessels, i.e caffeine can help to counter the painful effects of blood vessels dilation in the head – research in Archives of Neurology
  • Coffee consumption reduces the incidence of asthmaan Italian study and in the second U.S National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey
  • Drinking coffee regularly may be described as a habit but it does not proved to be an addictiveWorld Health Organization (WHO) stated that “There is no evidence whatsoever that caffeine use has even remotely comparable physical and social consequences which are associated with serious drugs of abuse”
  • Downing 1 – 3 cups of caffeinated coffee daily can reduce the risk of diabetes and developing Parkinson’s diseaseHarvard researchers
  • "Overall, the research shows that coffee is far more healthful than it is harmful," - Tomas DePaulis, PhD, research scientist at Vanderbilt University's Institute for Coffee Studies, which conducts its own medical research and tracks coffee studies from around the world
  • Caffeine revs nervous system, increases heart rate and breathing, which primes your body for peak performance. It results in stronger muscle contractions as it triggers extra calcium release – Dr. Terry Graham, prof. of nutritional sciences at University of Guelph, Ontarion, Canada
  • Chemicals in coffee prevent tooth decay by stopping bacteria attaching to your enamel – Milan University researchers

Men’s Health MALAYSIA, Feb’09 Issue

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