Slim & Sleek

In the Jan’11th 2009 edition of Health at Large, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist (FRCOG, UK), Dr. Nor Ashikin Mokhtar wrote an article on woman’s guide to weight loss. It was being said that every woman, no matter how skinny or rational she may be, they will have the thought of losing weight, at least once in their life.

One way to justify this statement is the numbers of weight loss companies, slimming centre, and diet food manufacturers blooming across the country and making a whole lot$ of money. Some of these products and services might work out well, but one cannot guarantee of its safety or long term effectiveness.

As much as I feel these facts hold for women, I do believe that the men are beginning to be more concern on their weights and appearance, not to mention on their health condition. One simple and effective weight loss method, in which I’m totally agreed upon - a healthy diet, combined with regular exercise, and a positive attitude. Here are 5 rules to guide us through:
  • Make a commitment – this starts from U. Set a goal and be committed to the plan. As I quote from my gym-mates, or should I say my sifus, If You Think You Can, You Can
  • Get emotional support – often you might get negative views from people around, but do not get carried away with their thoughts. Instead, get advice and support from your partner, family, good friends, and colleagues in order for you to keep intact on your commitment
  • Set a realistic goal – lose 20kg in a week? Nah… you must be kidding. Though personally I’m not the kind of person who is calculative and utmost particular, be more realistic while setting up your goal. A reasonable rate of weight loss will be in the range of 500g to 1kg a week
  • Eat healthily and enjoy it! – reduce fat intake, cut down on fried & oily foods, trim off the skin and fat in the meats. Eat more plant-based foods, fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain. Consume variety of foods and vary the cooking style so that you do not get bored
  • Be active – stop reading, get up, and start walking! :)

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