Workout Journal - Shoulders + Traps + Forearms

Date: Jan/04/2009
Total Workout Duration: 52 mins
Goal: Assess strength and capability

Shoulders [13 Sets]
+ Traps [6 Sets]
+ Forearms [6 Sets]

Smith Machine Shoulder Press:
WUS – 20kgs x 8 x 2
30kgs x 10
32.5kgs x 10

DB Side Lateral:
15kgs x 10
20kgs x 10
25kgs x 10
Top position (form):

DB Rear Shoulder Raise:
10kgs x 10
15kgs x 10
20kgs x 10

Single-arm DB Front Raise (Low Rep Exercise):
7.5kgs x 6
10kgs x 6
12.5kgs x 6

Superset – DB Shrugs & BB Upright Row
DB Shrugs:
25kgs x 10 x 3

BB Upright Row:
10kgs x 8 x 3

DB Wrist Curls:
7.5kgs (per arm) x 10 x 6


Anonymous said...

I just started lateral raises. Any tips ? I wanna increase my width. When i reach my shoulder level, the wrist kind of auto twist up so my thumb face up. Is this natural ?

Adrian Yong [文来] said...

Personally, side lateral is one of the best exercise targetting on lateral delts. Try to push yourself to lift heavier weights from session to the next, in order to gain your delts muscles. But of course, the form must be correct, i.e in perfect form.

Suppose at the top (shoulder level), your form shld b in these way: [1] thumbs slightly titled-off from parallel with the floor (pointing down); [2] forearms dented approx. 10-15degrees from upper arms; and [3] keep elbow higher than your wrist. In short, it should look like you are pouring something with your arms lifted up.

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