Workout Journal - Legs + Biceps + Cardio

Date: Feb/26/2009
Total Workout Duration: 52 mins

Legs & Calves [11 sets]
+ Biceps… for fun [3 sets]
+ Cardio [10 mins]

Smith Machine BB Squat
WUS – 20kgs x 10 x 2
40kgs x 10
60kgs x 10
80kgs x 8

BB Front Squat + DB Lunges
SS#1 – 5kgs x 10 + 10kgs (per arm) x 10
SS#2 & SS#3 – 7.5kgs x 10 + 12.5kgs (per arm) x 10

DB Standing Calf Raise
10kgs x 12
7.5kgs x 15 x 2

Standing BB Preacher Curl
20kgs x 10
[someone slotted in and stole the BB… cis bedebah]

Standing BB Curl
20kgs x 10 x 2

Jogging – 10 mins

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