Workout Journal - Legs + Abs + Forearms

Date: Jan/05/09
Total Workout Duration: 56 mins
Goal: Assess strength and capability

Legs [16 Sets]
+ Abs [10 Sets]
+ Forearms [4 Sets]

DB Lunges:
*** Note: A long lunges emphasizes on Glutes, short emphasizes on Quads
WUS - BW x 10
15kgs x 10
20kgs x 10
30kgs x 10

Smith Machine Squat:
20kgs x 10
30kgs x 10
40kgs x 10
50kgs x 10
60kgs x 10

Cable Legs Extension:
40lbs x 10
30lbs x 10 x 3

DB Straight-leg Deadlift:
15kgs x 10
20kgs x 10
25kgs x 10

BW x 10 x 6

BW x 10 x 4

DB Wrist Curl:
7.5kgs (per arm) x 4


Anonymous said...

Bro u can almost squat ur own bodyweight.. how long have u been working out?

Adrian Yong [文来] said...

I have been working out since a few years back, but on and off in between..
Yeah.. For squat, it's best to at least reach your own weight.. I'll try to go more in the next session..

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