Workout Journal - Javorek Complex (Shoulders) + Back

Date: Mar/08/2009
Total Workout Duration: 44 mins
Tag: Workout from Home, Javorek Complex

Shoulders [4 sets of 36 reps each]
+ Back [6 sets]

Warm up - 5 mins of light cardio

Javorek Complex – Shoulders (for conditioning & endurance)
4 sets of:
DB Arnold Press – 4.5kgs (per arm) x 6
DB Side Lateral Raise – 4.5kgs (per arm) x 6
DB Alternate Arm Front Raise – 4.5kgs (per arm) x 6
DB Bent-over Rear Delt Row – 4.5kgs (per arm) x 6
DB Shrugs – 4.5kgs (per arm) x 6
DB Upright Row – 4.5kgs (per arm) x 6

DB Bent-over Row
12.5kgs (per arm) x 10 x 3

DB Deadlift
12.5kgs (per arm) x 10 x 3


Anonymous said...

OMG OMG, how does the complex feel??
Does it do any good??

Adrian Yong [文来] said...

Not bad.. n exciting.. hehe.. but it's very tiring..
For starters, use low weights so that you can keep your form in-checked (perfect form).

Anonymous said...

I do, do snatch complexes and clean and jerk complexes, for fun. This guy's complexes, I've not read much about it's usagae yet.

Anonymous said...

What are complexes? Like giant sets?

Adrian Yong [文来] said...

Combining multiple exercises in a single set. Thus, we are seeing huge number of reps in a single set. One of the popular one is Javorek Complex, which is targetting for your shoulders and traps. I find it as a good twist in a workout program

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